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According to the Waste Act, a local government is required to organise the transport of municipal waste within its administrative territory. Municipal waste generated by a household is collected and transported by a waste transport company, to which the city has granted the exclusive right to serve the waste transport area by way of a procurement procedure. All apartment associations and, in the absence of an association, the owners of the immovable on which the summer house, dwelling or business premises are situated, as well as the owners of the building or apartment as a movable, are automatically signed-up for organised waste transport.
We kindly ask you to submit your application via the self-service environment of the Tallinn Waste Recycling Centre AS (TJT) at Data for the contract can also be submitted in PDF format as an application, which must be filled in and sent to info at tallinnavedu dot ee. A pre-filled waste transport contract will be sent to the e-mail specified in the application. The contract must be signed and sent back to us. A waste transport contract can also be concluded at the waste transport department of the TJT at Suur-Sõjamäe 29a, Tallinn. Office hours are Mon–Fri 8.15–17.
The contracting authority can view invoices, transport schedules, and contracts in the self-service environment You can enter the self-service environment using your ID card or Mobile ID.
If you have not received an invoice by the 10th day of the month following the billing period, please contact us by e-mail at or by phone at (+372) 609 6410 and (+372) 609 6530.