Quick information about services:

Reception and transport of construction waste

TJT accepts pre-sorted and unsorted construction waste. Pre-sorted construction waste, which has been collected separately at the source, to recycle or recover as many materials as possible. Pre-sorted construction waste should be separated into metal, unprocessed wood, processed wood, bricks, concrete, rock and soil, paper and cardboard, plastic waste, glass, bulky waste, electronic waste, bio-waste, municipal waste, asbestos-containing waste, and hazardous waste. Pre-sorting should preferably be done at the point of waste generation, we also offer the possibility of pre-sorting at the TJT reception site. If the customer does not wish to carry out pre-sorting at the point of waste generation or at the TJT reception site, sorting shall be carried out by TJT employees and the price of receiving unsorted waste shall be applied to the waste.

It is necessary for you to ensure that the container can be placed in your yard and someone will take receipt of the container and indicate the exact location of placement. If a waste container is temporarily placed on the street, the operation must be coordinated with the local government or the Transport Board, with the liability and administration remaining the responsibility of the Client. The Client is obligated to fully compensate for the loss, damage, and destruction of a container that occurs while the container is in the Client’s possession.

The container shall be delivered and removed by prior agreement. The container must not be filled higher than its upper edge; if waste extends above the upper edge, the container shall not be removed. This requirement is primarily due to traffic regulations – an overloaded container may pose a risk to other road users.

To order a handling service or receive more detailed information, please contact: info@tjt.ee. If you wish to order transport service, please contact our transport department by e-mail: info@tallinnavedu.ee or by phone at (+372)-609-6410 and (+372)609-6530.